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Expander - song - was created in 1992.

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how much does an dental expander coast?

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There are only two ports available which are made by expander hardware. These ports include the following products: a port expander and a port replicator.

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Expander System Sweden AB was created in 1986.

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A palate expander is another term for a palatal expander, a device used to widen the upper jaw so that the bottom and upper teeth will fit together better.

2 answers

playing a clarinet is just the same with a palatal expander than it is before. I had one and there is no difference.

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Staples, Office Max and Wal-Mart all sell the Linksys Wireless G Range Expander WRE54G. Each of these retailers also sells this expander on their websites.

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Yes, you can. NOTHING will happen I have an expander and I have chewed gum 4 or 5 times. An nothing happened, the only thing you cant do is blow a bubble because the roof of your mouth is were the main part of the expander is.

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When you have a dental expander in place, it is best to avoid sticky, chewy, or hard foods that could get stuck in the appliance or damage it. Examples include gum, chewy candies, hard candies, and tough meats. Your orthodontist will provide specific guidelines tailored to your needs.

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An expander works in a similar way to a compressor, with a compressor you set the threshold and when the signal goes over this threshold the compressor starts to work. The signal over the threshold is attenuated (reduced) at the rate of the other parameter settings (ie. attack, ratio, release,etc.). An expander works in an opposite fashion, the threshold is set and any part of the signal dropping below this threshold will be affected by the expander and this level will be raised. The expander therefore like the compressor balances out the signal making it sound more professional.

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Human albumin
Hydroxyethyl starch

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An expander graph is used in pure and applied mathematics. It can be used to classify problems that are tricky, but also inherently logical, and so they would need a computer to work out the solution. Expander graphs are also useful in network design, and in calculating codes to correct transmission errors.

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You go to your Orthodontics place (after you called them) and they will have to yank out your expander (i know from experience, this happened to me) and then TA DA! problem solved. You may also not know if you have a canker sore under the expander but to find out see if any of the following conditions apply to you:

  • Have had a feeling that there is a miniature ball stuck under your expander.
  • Experience pain under your expander when swallowing.
  • Or have had a bunch of sugar centered candy stuck up in your expander and now your mouth hurts
if any of these conditions apply to you call your orthodontist right away for it may be serious.

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everything from the space shuttle to marine systems PC's and Mac and even some cars have some sort of port expander as it is defined

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Stuffit expander allows you to access and uncompress Stuffit X and Zip archives effortlessly. They offer this for both Mac products and Windows products.

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A skirt expander is commonly referred to as a waistband extender. It provides additional room around the waist of the skirt to allow for a more comfortable fit.

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Yes, a lot of times you'll get the expander before your braces, just so you get used to it and so the teeth are ready for braces. Many people, in their early stages of braces have both an expander and braces,.

3 answers

It depends if you have braces on yet. I have an expander right now, but I have bottom braces. There's not much of a problem with the expander and popcorn, unless you get an unpopped kernel up there, which is pretty tricky to get out. As long as you're careful not to let that happen, and you're extra-careful if you have braces, then yes, you should be able to have popcorn.

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They put glue on the expander and stick it on.

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No but you will feel slight pressure but not alot

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Not too long, it took me about a week, maybe two tops. Good luck! You'll get through it! I had my expander in for 13 months!

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The purpose of a piston ring expander is to make it easier remove and install piston rings. Because of the low torque they use, they help to prevent damage to the piston rings.

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OK heres the thing you talk normally because i have one and i talk like i used to so your wellcome and thx for your question i like to anwswer questions and are you getting an expander!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Turns down the quiet bits

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Put it between the Head deck and antenna.

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The only real ways to improove your line count is to be strict about what other things you are doing when you transcribe. Are you checking emails, chatting, browseing message boards? You cant put much time into that. The other way is of course your expander. No distractions and use your word expander. If you dont have an expander...GET ONE! You really need it.

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A Wirsbo Expander Tool is a tool that is often used for plumbing repairs. It can be purchased either at speciality plumbing stores, hardware stores, or online at retailers such as Amazon.

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Yes you should tell your orthodontist. About you should chewingtell gum with bres of an expander because he might be ableto to help you ifshould something is wrong.

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I got my expander in today about 12 hours ago, I've already turned the key twice. an expander works by sticking a thin wire into a small hole an cranking it one time. as the wheel with the key in it turns, it pushes outward. Mine didn't hurt the first or second time. It just feels like tightness and pressure on your teeth.

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A tissue-expander is an elastic material formed into a sac that is then filled with fluid or air so it expands like a balloon. The expander is placed under the skin and is filled, stretching the skin.

Expanders are most often used to prepare a site for a permanent implant.

Expanders are also used to assist in the repair of scars and the removal of tattoos by stretching the skin, removing the expander, removing the scar or tattoo, and suturing the skin edges together.

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Yes, it is painful I know, but it will get better soon.

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30.3 million is written out as 30,300,000.

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OMG! i thought Id never meet another! I had both, but got the expander taken off, and it is hard to speak at first! but youll get used to it soon.


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Put wax on the part that is cutting you. It should heal in a few days.

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Typically, a 600cc tissue expander can stretch the skin to accommodate around 600-800cc of additional volume. The amount of skin that can be stretched depends on various factors such as skin elasticity and the patient's individual anatomy.

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Tee beam, L beam & Inverted beam


there are many other types of beam such as cantilever beam , simply supported beam . t beam . knife edge beam and many more

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Light/Sun Beam Laser Beam Roof Beam Jim Beam

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yes you can but it's very difficult to tongue. i have an audition tomorow and im still trying to get my tongue to be crisp again.

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First of all i don't think you should be taking off your expander because if that's what your orthodontist wants you to have in your mouth than you should listen to him. If you arnt going to listen to him the i would think a good pair of pliers would work.

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